Co ciekawego w Mikołowie?

Aktualności Komunikaty
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Participatory Budget ? Mikołów

Dear all We present the winners of the I Participatory Budget in Mikołów. 15 local and 1 town Project were qualified for implementation. Congratulations to the winners! Thank you to everyone engaged in the I edition of Participatory Budget. We can already say that the I Participatory Budget in Mikołów proved to be a success

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Stanisław Michalski – in memoriam

Stanisław Michalski ? in memoriam Stanisław?s passing was very unexpected. It wasn?t even 2 weeks ago that Staszek called me to ask about the subjects we both had worked on.  He wanted to be up to date and as soon as possible come back to his passion – Bujaków, Mikołów and working for our citizens.

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Town Office Duty Hours

Duty hours at the Town Office: Dec. 24th, 2015 ? office closed   Dec. 31st, 2015 time 7.30am ? 12.00noon    Office Cash Desk will be closed               Jan. 4th, 2016 Office Cash Desk to be open from 9:00am

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Let’s talk about the strategies

We would like to invite you to a consultative meeting to talk about the sub-strategies being created under the project ?J-ednolita S-trategia T-erytorialna = homogenous functional area of Mikołów County. The sub-strategies refer to social exclusion prevention, demography and labor market. The meeting will take place on Dec. 15 2015 from 4.00pm to 6.00pm in

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Remember to wear reflective items

Especially now, that it?s grey and gloomy outside, nights are much longer than days, it?s especially important to wear reflective items. Let?s make ourselves visible to drivers. It doesn?t cost much and may prevent us from a drama. Drivers, in such weather conditions, are often tired and distracted. They may, despite their efforts, notice a

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Mayor?s scholarships

It?s been now 14 years that scholarships are granted to pupils and students with outstanding results. Scholarships are granted for achievements in learning (grades average for primary school pupils is 5,4, for junior high school pupils 5,2, secondary school pupils 5,0, higher learning institutions 4,6); it?s also granted to the finalists of the Olympics or

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Mikołów Impressions ? exhibition opening

Mikołów Impressions ? exhibition opening

Kindly invite everybody to the exhibition of works created during the 25th Open Air Painting – Mikołów Impressions 2015 and to the recital of Piotr “Kuba” Kubowicz with ensemble of the ?Piwnica Pod Baranami? cabaret. Nov. 28, 2015, time: 5:30pm Town Culture Center in Mikołów Rynek 19

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6th International Sled Dog Races

6th International Sled Dog Races

We?d like to invite all dog amators to come to the 6th International Sled Dog Races. The races will be held Nov. 14th and 15th (Saturday, Sunday) in Kamionka forests. The event starts on Saturday at 10:45am and on Sunday at 10:00am. Details to be found at

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