Co ciekawego w Mikołowie?

Aktualności Komunikaty
Relevant for the city

Citizens Service Office ? new office hours on Wednesdays

Kindly inform that on Wednesdays, starting from April 1, 2016 on, the Citizens Service Office in Mikołów will be available for clients from 7:30am – 12:00noon. Deaths registration on Wednesdays will be kept from 7:30am to 3:30pm.

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Family 500 plus program

Family 500 plus program

A ministerial program Family 500 plus kicks off today.  You may apply until July ,1 2016. Here is the core of the program: 1. The benefit is available for parents, legal or actual foster-parents. 2. The benefit is available until a child is 18 years old. 3. Parents will be given the benefit for the

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Happy Easter everyone!

Joining you in gratitude for Christ’s sacrifice and the joyful renewal it brings to all God’s children this Easter.

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Detour on Rybnicka street

Rybnicka street in the vicinity of the District Police Office in Mikołów is presently closed for traffic due to trees cut down. Police organized detour.

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Information on public transport during Easter

Enclosed please find information received from the Town Transportation Board in Tychy concerning buses schedule during Easter. Download files

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Silesian Metropolis establishment

Silesian Metropolis establishment Kindly invite you to take part in social consultations on Mikołów joining the Silesian Metropolis. Detailed information on Silesian Metropolis can be found in the encloses below. Surveys on Mikołów joining the Silesian Metropolis can be sent until March 29, 2016 by e-mail:, personally in the filing department or by post

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Statistical survey ? important information

Taking into account increasing number of acts that undermine trust to pollsters, here is what everyone should know about statistical survey. Among all statistic research conducted, public survey plays a special role in the process of social changes monitoring. –  surveys are conducted by method of representative sampling in the whole country: in selected houses,

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Mikołów works on the Municipal Revitalization Program for 2016-2025

Municipality of Mikołów works on the Municipal Revitalization Program (MRP). Based on that document Municipality is going to carry out tasks aimed at increasing our citizens? quality of living and fighting social, economic and spatial problems. Realization of the tasks will enable to improve standard of living, leisure infrastructure and economic development. Please, fill in

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