Georg Zeumer
Born in Mikołów, descendant of factory owning family of Zeumers. He was one of the first German aviators and pioneer of air force during the World War I. Honored with the Knight?s Cross (Ritterkreuz) of the Order of St. Henry (Militär St. Heinrichsorden) for his service at the front (already in 1914). He went down in history as the man who trained to fly the legendary ?Red Baron? Manfreda von Richthofen.? Died in a battle, shot nearby La Ferriere. He is buried in the Evangelic Cemetery in Mikołów.

Konstanty Wolny
Born in Bujaków, graduate of law, attorney, politician, national activist in Upper Silesia, co-author of the act on Silesia autonomy and the first Marshall of the Silesian Parliament, publicist, Dean of the Bar Council in Katowice.
Rafał Wojaczek
Native resident of Mikołów, poet and controversial figure. Broke studies at the Jagiellonian University (1963), then lived in Wrocław, made his debut in ?Poezja? monthly magazine (1965). Author of volumes of poems entitled ?Sezon? and ?Inna bajka? published in ?Twórczość? and ?Odra?. His live and suicide made up the basis for the movie by Lech Majewski entitled ?Wojaczek? (1999).
Andrzej Wojaczek
Native resident of Mikołów, Rafał Wojaczek?s brother, graduate of the Ludwik Solski Academy for the Dramatic Arts. Performed roles as a supporting actor. Played in several dozens of films among other things in ?Sól ziemi czarnej? by Kazimierz Kutz (1969) , ?Honor dziecka? (1976) and in a series ?Blisko, coraz bliżej? (1982). His last movie was ?Wojaczek? by Lech Majewski (1999) in which he played a neurologist.
Ignatz Ritter von Wechselmann
Born in Mikołów, architect and philanthropist. Educated in Berlin, after studies lived in Vienna and then in Budapest where many buildings were built according to his projects. He was given a knighthood by the emperor Franz Joseph I. Donated significant amounts to charity. In his last will he donated among other things financial means to the fund supporting poor citizens of Mikołów.
Paweł Targiel
Native resident of Mikołów, poet, culture activist. In 1988 created ?Miarka? magazine and in 1996 ?Arkadia. Pismo katastroficzne? (?Arkadia. Catastriphic magazine?). He was an initiator to turn Rafał Wojaczek?s flat to a culture institution ?Mikołów Institute? to then become its director. Published volumes of poems: ?Ostatnie wiersze? (2005), ?Halsem? (2007).?
Albert Strzewiczek
Born in Vilnius, graphic artist and painter, poet, drawer. In 1981-1989 lived in the USA where he was running a business graphics studio. Author of a graphic cycle ?Roadside shires and crosses of the southern Poland? and ?Mikołów ? the friendly town?. Co-creator of the Lyceum in the Upper Silesia.
Hermann Samuel Staub
Born in Mikołów, world-famous lawyer, outstanding expert in German commercial, bill of exchange and corporation law. Belonged to the elite of Berlin lawyers. He became famous as the author of ?Die Positiven Vertragsverletzung? theory. His works made up the foundation for temporary economic legislation in Germany.

Konstanty Prus
Born in Wielopol Rybnicki, outstanding journalist and historian, editor in ?Katolik?, ?Gazeta Opolska?, ?Kurier Sosnowiecki? magazines, worked in the Polish Plebiscitary Committee (1920), author of numerous biographies and historic elaborations about Upper Silesia. He was a prisoner of Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp. Monographer of ?Z przeszłości Mikołowa i jego okolicy? (1932) (translation.: From the past of Mikołów and its and neighborhood).

Ludwik Musioł
Native resident of Mikołów, teacher and editor, outstanding Silesian historian, sightseeing pioneer, linguist and ethnographer, co-founder of Polish Teachers Association in Upper Silesia, author of over 300 research papers.
Karol Miarka-junior
Born in Pielgrzymowice, teacher and printer, high-edition publisher of books, calendars and song-books in Polish. Also published the works of outstanding Polish classic authors, including A. Mickiewicz, J. Słowacki and Z. Krasiński.
Karol Miarka-senior
Born in Pielgrzymowice, Polish activist in Upper Silesia, teacher, writer, publicist, printer, editor of ?Katolik? magazine, initiator of numerous Polish social and economic organizations, patron to many schools in Poland.
Adam Graczyński
Born in Gorlice. Politician, engineer, graduate of the Silesian Technical University, director-general of the Central Mining Institute (1989?2001), Polish Senator of the 4th and 5th term of office, creator of the Silesia Scholarship Fund.
Jerzy Egon Kwiatkowski
Born in Chorzów, graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Wrocław, sculptor, a member of the Polish Artists Association, author of numerous sculptures with secular and sacred motives. His works embellish among other things squares in Katowice, Chorzów, Wodzisław Śląski and Dąbrowa Górnicza.

Bp Józef Kurpas
Born in Paniowy, graduate of the secondary school in Mikołów, alumnus of the Silesian Theological Seminary in Kraków and the Theology Department at the Jagiellonian University. In 1963 anointed a bishop. Participated in the Second Vatican Council. Auxiliary bishop of Katowice archdiocese in 1962?1991. Member of the Cathedral Chapter in Katowice.
Paweł Krawczyk
Born in Górniki (presently part of Bytom), educator, scoutmaster. During the World War II participated in the September Campaign, active in the Union of Armed Struggle and the Home Army. Long term teacher at Karol Miarka?s secondary school in Mikołów.
August Karol Kiss
Born in Paprocany, graduate of the University in Berlin (1822), sculptor, author of German rulers? monuments (Wrocław, Królewiec, Berlin and Potsdam). Author of bas-relief showing the head of Jesus Christ. The work is placed over the entrance of the Protestant Church in Mikołów. He also was author of sculptures decorating the pulpit in the above mentioned church.
Franciszek Giel
Born in Kobiór, graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków, artist, worked in the Animated Film Studio in Bielsko-Biała, a member of the Polish Artists Association, author of numerous stained-glass windows and reliefs.
Mieczysław Dzieńdziel
Born in Zarzecze, graduate of the Music Academy in Katowice, musician, choirmaster and conductor, led ?Słowiczek? and ?Harmonia? choirs. Manager of ?Mikołowianki? ensemble (1983-1994).

Wacław Cybulski
Born in Warsaw. Professor, long time director of the Experimental Mine ?Barbara? in Mikołów. Fought in the Polish-Bolshevik war and as a volunteer in the 3rd Silesian Uprising. Studied at the Chemistry Faculty of the Technical University in Warsaw. Since 1925 worked at the Experimental Mine ?Barbara?. Ran pioneer tests to prevent the risks of methane and coal dust explosion in mines. Since 1930 lecturer at the University of Science and Technology Kraków. During the war fought in France in Gen. Maczek?s troops. After evacuation to Great Britain drafted to the Research Institute in Buxton. Came back to Poland in 1946 and took an office of the director of the Experimental Mine ?Barbara? where he continued to work to the end of his life. Since 1950 at the Technical University in Gliwice taught about the safety in mining. He was the Ordinary Member of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Knighted many times, among other things with the Silesian Uprising Cross. Buried in Powązki Cemetery in Warsaw.

Bogusław Bromboszcz
Born in Mikołów, journalist and photo-journalist, worked in editorial staff of ?Echo? magazine and ?Sprawy Chemików? biweekly magazine. Editor in chief of ?Gazeta Mikołowska? (1991-1998), the Resident of the year 2001, co-author of the book ?Mikołów in the 20th century” (2002).
Olgierd Bierwiaczonek
Born in Vilnius Region, soldier of the Polish Second Army (1944-1945), graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice, painter, winner of many prizes in painting competitions. Donated a collection of 50 paintings to the town of Mikołów. The resident of the year 1999.