Student contest – Grand Finale

On February 2, in the Public Town Library the student contest entitled: “Conceptual design of communication system in the center of Mikołów with especial consideration of the 750th anniversary square” was solved. The event was held in the presence of town authorities, Town Council members, Town Office employees as well as professors of Technical University in Gliwice. Two student teams of Building Department were competing with each other in the contest. The concepts and documentation related made up a part of students MSc papers.
As it was stressed by the Mayor Stanisław Piechula when showing multi-media based presentations on the subject, students gave very good performances keeping the same quality level in both teams. The Jury evaluating projects had to face a difficult task. Eventually two main prizes were given ex aequo. The following engineers were awarded: Marlena Lewandowska, Bartosz Myśliwiec, Maria Rzepisko and Sandra Parys.
The Mayor Stanisław Piechula congratulated the students the effects of many weeks of work and said that the designs given over to Mikołów Community would make up an important element in further town’s development.
The following team was taking care of the contest realization on behalf of Technical University: Małgorzata Jastrzębska, PhD, Anna Olma, PhD, and Marcin Grygierek, PhD.
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