Co ciekawego w Mikołowie?

Aktualności Komunikaty
Relevant for the city

Municipality Development Strategy for 2015 ? 2025 ? public consultation

The Mayor of Mikołów informs that “Development strategy for the Municipality of Mikołów for the period 2015 – 2025” has been drawn up and submitted for public consultation. Consultation will be held until May 22, 2015. The draft of “Strategy” and detailed information on consultation are available at Town Office official website in Public Information

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Relevant for the city


Have influence on MIKOŁÓW logo! Take part in the contest! Design town logo, create interesting promoting slogan and get your award! You can win PLN 5000,00! Your promoting slogan will popularize Mikołów in Poland and abroad! It doesn’t matter if you work in a corporation, run your own business or are a freelancer – this contest

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Relevant for the city

National flags for May holidays

Important May holidays are now ahead of us. In order to better prepare for the celebration, it will be possible to receive national flag (free of charge). Please come to the main square on April 24 between 12.00 noon and 2.00 pm. It is good to take a flag and worthily celebrate the Day of

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Parking cards for disabled persons

April 14th was the first day to apply for parking cards for disabled persons. Application can be submitted in the County Office in Mikołów, Żwirki i Wigury St. 4a. You may apply every second and forth Tuesday of the month from 8.00am to 2.00pm. The schedule of future terms is as follows: May 26th, June

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Entrepreneurs? meeting

The County Employment Office in Mikołów and the Town Office of Mikołów invite entrepreneurs to a meeting during which it will be possible to have individual consultations with the representatives of the County Employment Office in Mikołów and the Social Insurance Institution in Rybnik. The meeting is held under auspices of Mikołów County Head and

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Vote for the ?Neighborhood policeman of the year 2014″, express your opinion!

The County Police in Mikołów started the contest entitled “Neighborhood policeman of the year 2014″. Adult citizens of the country may vote for their favorite neighborhood policeman until April 30th. It is enough to fulfil the questionnaire on paper or in the e-form. The questionnaire can be filled once. It not only puts the question

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4th Mikołów Race

4th Mikołów Race

On April 18th and 19th the first round of this year’s Silesian Car Race Championship – the 4th Mikołów Race will be held. Honorary patronage over the event was assumed by the Mayor of Mikołów Stanisław Piechula. It will start on Saturday evening at 7.00pm (April 18th) at the main square. Then the participants will

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Let?s vote for the family playground in Mikołów!

Nivea Company organizes a contests entitled ”Podwórko Nivea” (”Nivea Block”) the aim of which is to identify 40 locations in the whole Poland where family playgrounds will be built. The towns will compete with one another in an on-line voting. It’s the citizens who will decide about the final winner. Voting starts tomorrow – April

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