90 years of the Technical Schools Complex

On October 18th the 90th “birthday” of the Technical School Complex was celebrated in the Town Cultural Center. The event attracted many guests: parliament representatives, education authorities, representatives of higher education institutions, local governments, parents as well as the former and present teachers and pupils of the school. During the celebration the history of the school and its current activities were presented. “We presently work with 98 employers at whom our pupils pursue traineeships and practices. We cooperate with higher education institutions, Silesian University of Technology, Institute of Information Technologies or High School of Banking. Our pupils and teachers have their traineeships and practices abroad, for instance in Germany, Bulgaria, Italy, Spain or Slovakia. We cooperate with partner schools from 15 countries, among other things from Norway, Czech Republic, Finland, Austria. This cooperation is connected with mathematics and IT application. The Technical Schools Complex is an institution providing possibilities of a universal education, it gives a strong foundation on which you can build your future and make further choices in your lives” – said Gabriela Poloczek, headmistress of the school. The celebration could not make without wishes and birthday presents: among other things a commemorative engraving given by the authorities of the County of Mikołów, a cheque for the school given by the local government of Łaziska Górne, new laptop bought by the authorities of Mikołów. Certainly the celebration could not make without a birthday cake.
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