4th Mikołów Race

On April 18th and 19th the first round of this year’s Silesian Car Race Championship – the 4th Mikołów Race will be held. Honorary patronage over the event was assumed by the Mayor of Mikołów Stanisław Piechula. It will start on Saturday evening at 7.00pm (April 18th) at the main square. Then the participants will set off to a spectacular special stage in the town center.
On the second day of the race, Sunday April 19th the teams will face 3 special stages to be covered twice: in Gostyń, Żory and Suszec. After the first loop the drivers will pull over to the service park at the Auchan shopping center in Mikołów. The service will start around 1:30pm. About 100 teams from the whole country are expected, including the top Polish race riders. This year’s the race makes up a part of Polish Championship.? Schedule of the racing cars’ ride: Saturday: Special stage no. 1 – Mikołów 7:20pm. Due to the race some of the roads will be closed that day. The race will be organized in the following Mikołów streets: Karola Miarki, Żwirki i Wigury from Karola Miarki to the 1st High School – Górnicza- Plac 750-lecia. They will be closed for traffic between 6:00pm – 10:00pm. Public transportation schedules will also be changed that day – the operators will provide appropriate information. The teams participating in races include licensed riders and pilots from the whole country. The race is organized based on the regulations of the Polish Automobile and Motorcycle Association (Polski Związek Motorowy). The teams start with one minute intervals and in normal circumstances they do not catch up with one another on the road. Judges and police will take care about the safety of spectators. All details concerning the race, competitions and changes in traffic can be found on www.rajd.mikolow.pl.
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