Location-based apps

Urban sprawl in Mikołów
If you want to know what the urban sprawl over the years was like in Mikołów this application is just for you. On the interactive timeline you will find buildings from the years 1900 ? 2018. Be careful as the timeline starts working once you activate the application. By clicking the building you can get information when it was built. The application will also help to find any specific address ? just click the magnifying glass (search icon). GO TO APPLICATION

Population of Mikołów
Here you will find the changes in Mikołów population density in the years 1990 ? 2018. The maps are interactive so don?t hesitate to click them. What you can find in the hexagons here is ? among other things ? information about the number of people (we don?t want to disclose more).Thanks to the charts you can easily analyze both the age and sex structure. Just to make it easier, we added a map comparing the years 1990 and 2018. We hope you will like it. We recommend to use the application on desktop computers in the Firefox or Chrome browser. You might encounter some problems with application?s readability on mobile phones, but we?re working on it. GO TO APPLICATION

Population density in Mikołów
If you?ve checked the application ?Population in Mikołów?, you know what it used to be like. The current state is also presented there. The principle is similar, you just click and receive information. What is new is the widgets: you can zoom out and in, change the location to see how data adjusts to the current map range. You can also search for address or print out a map. GO TO APPLICATION

Participatory Budget ? Mikołów
Thanks to this application you can check what kind of projects were carried out within the Participatory Budget in our town. There have been 4 editions held so far in Mikołów. In our application you will find projects from the 1st, 2nd and 3rd edition together with pictures and their specific location. Projects from the 4th edition are still pending and we?re going to show them soon. Meanwhile, please have a look at what was done in last 4 years in Mikołów thanks to Participatory Budget. GO TO APPLICATION
We are working on new maps, but if you have any interesting ideas or questions, please write to us on gis@mikolow.eu
Applications were developed by IT Systems Development Office in Town Hall Mikołów.
HERE is a link to all applicatons.